Sunday, February 12, 2012

Your Place or Mine?

Stuffed Lemon Garlic Pork Tenderloin

As I have grown as a cook over the years I have learned one very valuable lesson, be able to go to Plan B! I had purchased a Lemon Garlic Pork Tenderloin to put on the grill, one of my family's favorite things.  But with a VERY cold evening on my hands last night I just couldn't deal with being outside on the grill. So instead I went to Plan B with a few items in my pantry.  It actually was a much needed comfort dinner for my husband that had been working in and out of the cold all day!

How I did it:

Purchased a Hormel Lemon Garlic Pork Tenderloin, let the meat come up to temperature before cooking.

I made three cuts to open, one down the middle, not going all the way through and two inner side cuts to attempt to butterfly to stuff.

I had a bag of Pepperidge Farm Herb Stuffing in my pantry, prepare as directed for about 2 cups of stuffing. Spoon mixture in tenderloin and sit upright in baking dish pre-sprayed with cooking spray. I sprinkled with a Creole seasoning, of course...:-)

Baked at 350 degrees until meat reached 155 degrees...because of the stuffing this took my oven around 55 mins, 15 mins longer than tenderloin package indicated. 

Most importantly, let the meat rest covered with foil for 10-15 mins.

Slice to your desired thickness to serve, I did thick slices since my hubby loves a thick-cut pork chop.  Juicy and delicious...I served with a side of steamed broccoli sprinkled with Parmesan cheese.



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